New representative in Morocco
Since 01.10.2010 El-Mehdi Hmittou and his company HPF represents the sales of RHEWUM screening machines in Morocco. Registered office of the company is in Casablanca. HPF yet has numerous contacts to the sectors of industry where RHEWUM screening machines are already working effectively, respectively where RHEWUM screens can be applied. One of these companies is OCP-Group (Office Cherifien de Phosphate) with its subsidiaries Maroc Phosphore and Smesi. Due to this existing close relationship to these and other potential RHEWUM customers an optimal service is guaranteed during the project itself and beyond. Hmittou‘s long time experience in this industry sectors will also guarantee a successful build up and cooperation with new customers.
RHEWUM GmbH, Remscheid (D),
Tel.: +49 2191-5767-0,