Intelligent all-metal sorter
The latest model EX900-AM is a fully automatically, sensorbased all-metal sorter especially for sorting metals out of slag (incineration) and shredder light fraction (ELV, WEEE etc.). The „Electromagnetic Camera“ EMCAM-ECE II, which is an intelligent highspeed sensor system, can detect very fast and with high accuracy metals within any other material flow. The software was developed to allow high capacity and high accuracy at the same time with low production costs and low air consumption (8 Nm³/min). Not only the sensitivity – as far as size of all interesting parts is concerned will be adjusted, but the capability of magnetism. It is quite easy to adjust all by touchscreen and to fade away non interesting metals or groups of metals – of course under full production without any stop or mechanical adjustment. The output quality can be checked immediately.
Exsor GmbH, Hamburg (D),
Tel.: +49 40 82245989-0,