Aggregate production became cost-effective with MB Crusher equipment

Crushing old habits is certainly a brave move: and doing it by enhancing the machines in your fleet with MB Crusher equipment adds efficiency, speed and profitability.

MB Crusher units are designed for versatile use in recycling plants, quarries, landfills and directly on construction sites and are a solution for the independent production of aggregates.

Aggregates are the most used material in construction, they are the basis for the construction of roads and infrastructures and constitute a fundamental element for asphalt pavements and concrete. This is why any construction company that relies on aggregates can drastically reduce costs and complete projects on time with MB Crusher.

A MB-S23 screening bucket with a 10 x 10 cm grid basket installed on the Hitachi Zaxis 460 LCH excavator
© MB Crusher

A MB-S23 screening bucket with a 10 x 10 cm grid basket installed on the Hitachi Zaxis 460 LCH excavator
© MB Crusher
The demand for aggregates continues to grow with urbanization and infrastructure development, leading to the difficulty of supply and high production costs becoming increasingly evident. MB Crusher equipment is the key to obtaining high-quality aggregates at a reduced cost per tonne.


1 Lower production costs at extraction sites  

Once accumulated, the overburdened materials resulting from the preparation of a quarry often occupy large areas, which could limit the operation of the quarry. Moving these huge stockpiles means moving – at very high costs! – thousands of cubic meters of material.

© MB Crusher

© MB Crusher
Some have found a solution, installing an MB-S23 screening bucket with a 10 x 10 cm grid basket on the Hitachi Zaxis 460 LCH excavator already working in the quarry. In doing so, the customer obtained two types of material: the one with dimensions greater than 10 cm, retained in the basket, which was directly loaded on the dumper and transported to the crushing plant to continue the processing process. While the material with dimensions less than 10 cm, is used for filling and making embankments, thus avoiding additional costs for its disposal.

From an expensive process, therefore, to an activity that has also increased profit margins: now the customer not only saves on the costs of getting rid of the overburden, but also has inert material for his plant and can even resell the excess.

  A crusher bucket installed on his 9 tons JCB 4CX backhoe
© MB Crusher

A crusher bucket installed on his 9 tons JCB 4CX backhoe
© MB Crusher

2 New life to scraps: even the off-cuts ones find a new use

Often we do not realize that we are sitting on a pile of money. We are talking about extraction and production waste, which is stockpiles to take up space, unused. Instead, it can be transformed into quality material, ready to be reused or resold with the MB Crusher bucket. To sum it up, nothing is thrown away: by giving value to the stockpile already available, costs are therefore reduced.

© MB Crusher

© MB Crusher
As did a company in southern Italy, which had a big problem with the waste of stone material, which continuously required significant transport, disposal and treatment costs. So they decided to "change course" and by installing a crusher bucket on his 9 tons JCB 4CX backhoe, he crushed the waste producing sellable inert material for the installation of substrates.


3 Secondary quality aggregate

The raw materials used in construction are not infinite: for this reason, using "secondary aggregates" – such as the rubble derived from the demolition and redevelopment of old buildings – is a good habit that rewards. These materials used to be considered waste and would have incurred expensive landfill fees. They are now processed so that they can be reused. By taking full advantage of the heavy machines already present on site, it is easier done.

Demolition of an old grain deposit with a BF90.3 crusher bucket
© MB Crusher

Demolition of an old grain deposit with a BF90.3 crusher bucket
© MB Crusher
As during the demolition of an old grain deposit, where the steel present inside the reinforced concrete was recovered and resold while the overburden material was reused as a road substrate. How? With a BF90.3 crusher bucket installed on the excavator that was already in place.

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