17th MiningForum in Berlin dedicated to the sustainable transformation of the raw materials sector

The 17th MiningForum will be held in Berlin on 6 and 7 June. The forum, which is held every two years, will bring together experts, managers and decision-makers from all over the world under the motto “For a Sustainable Future” to discuss the latest developments and challenges of the raw materials sector.

© DMT GmbH & Co. KG

© DMT GmbH & Co. KG
The two-day forum presents a unique platform for the exchange of knowledge, experience and best practices. With a wide variety of subjects, including digitalisation, sustainable mining technologies and social responsibility, the MiningForum offers a 360° perspective on current and future developments in mining.

This year, too, the forum will take place under the patronage of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK). The Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie e.V. (BDI - Federation of German Industry) is also a partner of the event. Michael Kellner, Parliamentary State Secretary at the BMWK, and Wolfgang Niedermark, member of the Executive Board of BDI e.V., will open the forum alongside other speakers.

The agenda of the MiningForum 2024 comprises a wide range of presentations, podium discussions, workshops and networking sessions. Industry experts will give insights into current trends and innovative technologies that make mining more sustainable and efficient. The highlights of the forum include keynote presentations from leading personalities in the industry, interactive sessions on subjects such as sustainability, new technologies in extraction and exploration, geothermals right up to the rehabilitation of former mining areas and their subsequent use. The agenda will be supplemented by an exhibition of the newest products and services from companies in the raw materials sector.

The MiningForum 2024 not only offers a unique opportunity for the exchange of knowledge, but also a platform for networking and developing new partnerships. Attendees have the opportunity to network, meet potential business partners and to work together on solutions for a sustainable future in mining.

“As a platform for the exchange of knowledge, ideas and innovations in the raw materials industry, the MiningForum is key for fostering dialogue and dealing together with challenges that we meet in this constantly developing industry. We are looking forward to bringing together leading experts, companies and interest groups to shape the future of mining,” declared Jens-Peter Lux, Managing Director of DMT GmbH & Co. KG.

In the run-up to the MiningForum, the “Hack Mining!” techathon will be held in Essen from 24 to 26 May - Germany's only raw materials techathon for students. Organised by the DMT GROUP, RWTH Aachen University and VDMA, the techathon provides an opportunity to solve the challenges of Industrial IoT+Engineering and for students to develop their own inventive genius. Students from various disciplines are invited to take part in this event free of charge and demonstrate their innovativeness.

Further information on the MiningForum, including company profiles of the partners and exhibitors, insights into the Techathon and the programme, can be found here .


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