Highlights at POWTECH 2023

Supply of Turn-Key Plants to Lithuania

In 2008 three companies from the region around Kaunas, Lithuania’s second largest city, each awarded Rohr Bagger GmbH a contract for the supply of one land-based bucket ladder dredger. Two of the...

Issue 05/2009

Extra Time for Belt System

1. Belt Conveyor is “Closed Up” The combustion of brown coal from the Maritsa mining area produces large quantities of ash. This must be taken away and deposited with the overburden of the open...


Research & Development, Process Engineering Tests – The HAZEMAG Test Plant

1. Test Plant facilities The existing plant facilities (Fig. 1) allow for the equipment to be combined and operated within the following groups: coarse crushing, fine crushing/grinding, grinding &...

Issue 05/2009

Removing Metallic Coatings from Plastics and Metals by Mechanical Processing

1. Description of the Problem During the manufacture of technical products and at the end of their useful lifetime, waste is produced that often consists of or contains material composites. In...

Issue 04/2009

Longer Service Lifetime

With the simple lagging of top and bottom run idlers with NILOS wear protection rubber covers (Fig.) the service lifetime of the idlers can be lengthened considerably. The field-proven material types...

Issue 04/2009

Hose squeeze valves and hose diaphragm valves

Franz Dürholdt GmbH & Co. KG offers hose squeeze valves and hose diaphragm valves in the size range from DN 15 to DN 300 including flanged connection PN 10 and, in part, with sleeve connection in the...

Issue 04/2009

All About Surface Protection

Under the motto “It’s too late to protect some things, but we have an answer for everything else!”, REMA TIP TOP GmbH will team up with TIP TOP Oberflächen-schutz Elbe GmbH to present a...

Issue 04/2009

Quality and Profitability

Mechanical separation is an important process in which Flottweg decanters and disc stack centrifuges assume key functions. They clarify liquids, separate two liquids, classify solids, sort solid...

Issue 04/2009

The SENSation for radiometric Measurement Systems

On the 60th anniversary of the company, Berthold Technologies is launching the new detector generation SENSeries to the market. The SENS-Detectors stand out by their high sensitivity to gamma...

Issue 04/2009

The right approach to wear protection

The new Barmac range relies on uniform attrition of the impact elements and free configuration of the rotor as an aid to utilization and to lower operating costs. In the introduction to the new model...
