In April 2010 Wheales Environmental Ltd., a major UK-based crushing contractor, contacted Sandvik Mining and Construction for advice on problems with a mobile VSI crusher. Low production rates and...
1 Sorting with a working width of up to 2000 mm
Totally new potentials are opening up for the future of industrial minerals, ores and precious stones. BT-Wolfgang Binder have developed the REDWAVE...
Since October 2009, the former Humboldt Wedag Coal & Minerals Technology GmbH has been part of McNally Bharat Engineering Company Ltd. (AT INTERNATIONAL reported in its 03/2010 edition, see p. 33)....
3rd Nordhausen Secondary Raw Materials Workshop, Nordhausen/Germany (21.–22.10.2010)
Over 50 experts and scientists from Germany and Austria met from 21.-22.10.2010 at the “3rd Nordhausen Secondary Raw Materials Workshop” to find out about the current status of research in the...
This year’s International Powder/Bulk Conference & Exhibition (IPB), held from 27.-29.09.2010 in Shanghai, closed with good results: Considerably more exhibitors (2010: 147; 2009: 129) and...
Dear Readers
Do you actually know how many mobile-phones,
i-phones or laptops were sold last year and of exactly what materials they are made?
All the technical gadgets, which make our life...
Recovery of chromite values from ferrochrome industry flue dust
1 Introduction
Waste is a source of secondary raw materials, but at the same time can negatively impact the natural environment and public health. The flue dust generated from the ferrochrome industry...
Dear Readers
Sometimes even minor changes are sufficient to increase the performance of a plant and to make a process energetically more favourable. However, the modifications must be carried out...
13th rock and associated products seminar,
Ostfildern/Germany (23.-24.11.2010)
In 2010 important permit procedures and issues of raw material securing are also on the agenda. During the 13th rock...