Highlights at SOLIDS 2024

Issue 12/2010

Sandvik technology for aggregates from the quarrying industry

In April 2010 Wheales Environmental Ltd., a major UK-based crushing contractor, contacted Sandvik Mining and Construction for advice on problems with a mobile VSI crusher. Low production rates and...

Issue 12/2010

New in the minerals preparation

1 Sorting with a working width of up to 2000 mm Totally new potentials are opening up for the future of industrial minerals, ores and precious stones. BT-Wolfgang Binder have developed the REDWAVE...

Issue 12/2010

The fascination of highly diverse applications

Since October 2009, the former Humboldt Wedag Coal & Minerals Technology GmbH has been part of McNally Bharat Engineering Company Ltd. (AT INTERNATIONAL reported in its 03/2010 edition, see p. 33)....

Issue 12/2010

Latest research findings

3rd Nordhausen Secondary Raw Materials Workshop, Nordhausen/Germany (21.–22.10.2010)

Over 50 experts and scientists from Germany and Austria met from 21.-22.10.2010 at the “3rd Nordhausen Secondary Raw Materials Workshop” to find out about the current status of research in the...

Issue 12/2010

Good results

This year’s International Powder/Bulk Conference & Exhibition (IPB), held from 27.-29.09.2010 in Shanghai, closed with good results: Considerably more exhibitors (2010: 147; 2009: 129) and...

Issue 12/2010

Limited resources

Dear Readers Do you actually know how many mobile-phones, ­ i-phones or laptops were sold last year and of exactly what materials they are made? All the technical gadgets, which make our life...

Issue 12/2010

Valuable waste

Recovery of chromite values from ferrochrome industry flue dust

1 Introduction Waste is a source of secondary raw materials, but at the same time can negatively impact the natural environment and public health. The flue dust generated from the ferrochrome industry...

Issue 11/2010

Knowing how !

Dear Readers   Sometimes even minor changes are sufficient to increase the performance of a plant and to make a process energetically more favourable. However, the modifications must be carried out...

Issue 11/2010

Permit procedures for companies in the rock and associated products industry

13th rock and associated products seminar, Ostfildern/Germany (23.-24.11.2010) In 2010 important permit procedures and issues of raw material securing are also on the agenda. During the 13th rock...
