In September, Siebtechnik GmbH took the completion of its new Technology Centre as the occasion to present to the trade press not only its ultramodern production line for centrifuges, but the redesigned office and administration building too. ...
Designers in mechanical engineering would sometimes prefer metal components to have properties that are rather found in ceramics. In such case, surface coatings consisting of various ceramic materials could be a remedy, since they are ...
The compact tube bend from CeramTec-ETEC has revolutionized wear protection in pneumatic systems and opened up new dimensions. In the transport of abrasive materials in power plants, foundries or...
1 Security at the highest level Endress+Hauser has taken the next step toward achieving the highest standard in digital product and services security. After achieving the demanding StarAudit...
Dear Readers In light of the current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the entire global economy is facing a major challenge. So it is all the more important not to stand still and staying tuned even...
The mine operator Hellenic Copper Mines (HMC) in Nicosia/Cyprus is one of the large opencast copper ore mines (Fig. 1). The hydrometallurgical extraction at Skouriotissa in the western part of the...
Dear Readers
The demands made on the sustainable handling of raw materials presents a great many challenges for mineral processing, which mainly leads to the development of innovative processes....
Advanced technologies for pre-concentration and
comminution of low grade ores in the FAME project
Many of these elements are regarded as “Critical Raw Materials” (CRM) by the EU as they are - limited in securing their supply - used extensively by European Industry and currently their supply is...
Changes are on the horizon at the top of the Endress+Hauser Group (Fig.). With effect from 1 January 2014, Klaus Endress, who has led the Group since 1995, will take his seat in the Supervisory Board....
Endress+Hauser has completed the announced change at the top of the Group: Dr Peter Selders has taken over as CEO of the Swiss specialist for measurement technology and automation solutions. The...