Highlights at HILLHEAD 2024

Issue 07-08/2014

Stripping – with a rock loading bucket from HS-Schoch

Broken rock, sand, gravel and natural stone are quarried on the eastern edge of the Swabian Jura. So as to strip the blasted material effectively and quickly, a rock loading bucket is used,from the...


Strong economic outlook for Hautalampi mine according to pre-feasibility study

The mining company Eurobattery Minerals AB (Nordic Growth Market: “BAT” and Börse Stuttgart: “EBM”; in short: “EBM”, “Eurobattery” or “the Company”), is pleased to announce that FinnCobalt Oy together...

Issue 03/2014

Strong focus on special program accompanying the fairs

W hoever is looking for problem solutions and the latest technologies in the bulk solids branch or recycling technology will find a platform at the trade fairs SOLIDS and RECYCLING-TECHNIK 2014 to...


Strong heritage, strong future

Terex Finlay announced a rebranding of the company to update and refresh its image based on its traditional core values and future strategies. The business is to rebrand globally as ‘Finlay’ to...

Issue 01-02/2010

Strong impetus to the environment industry

Entsorga-Enteco 2009, Cologne/Germany (27.-30.10.2009)

For four days 784 companies from 30 countries presented their broad range of products and services from the environment sector at the Entsorga-Enteco 2009 in Cologne. About 36,000 trade visitors from...

Issue 03/2010

Strong partner for the tough times too

Schladitz Aufbereitungstechnik in Duisburg/Germany offers a wide range of used machines as well as new machines. Independent of financing, in recent years the company has constantly increased its...

Issue 07-08/2011

Strong position in Mexico

The BEUMER Group has established a new subsidiary in Mexico. This is not only intended to boost sales, but in particular to enable the intralogistics supplier to provide significant support for its...

Issue 05/2010

Strong seat for heavy-duty service

Rough terrain, sand, rock, rock debris, broken stone – anyone who wants to drive a vehicle in the field of mining has to be a professional, must be able to control his machine and has to concentrate...

Issue 04/2013

Strong together to go into the future

As of 01.02.2013 the company C. CHRISTOPHEL Maschinenhandlung und Vermittlung GmbH based in Lübeck/Germany, has become the sole distribution partner for the RUBBLE MASTER range of products in the...

Issue 04-05/2020 Upgraded DinoTM DC410Ri

Strong, reliable drill rig with full radio remote control

Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology presents two years’ worth of upgrades on the remote-controlled DinoTM DC400Ri surface top hammer drill rig for urban areas and other applications calling for...
