Highlights at HILLHEAD 2024

Issue 10/2011

FLSmidth to acquire Canadian company Knelson

FLSmidth has today signed an agreement to acquire the assets of the privately owned company Knelson, a Canada based corporate partnership which is active within the minerals industries. Knelson...

Issue 10/2012

FLSmidth to acquire Decanter Machine, Inc.

FLSmidth has signed an agreement to acquire the privately owned company Decanter Machine, Inc., a United States based manufacturer and supplier of centrifugal technology to the global minerals...


FLSmidth to deliver a dry grinding solution to an iron ore pellet plant in Oman

The Oman-based mining company Vulcan Pelletizing has placed an order for a range of FLSmidth mineral processing technologies to be installed at their upcoming pelletization plant. The technologies...


FLSmidth to deliver a wide range of MissionZero mineral processing equipment

Australian mining company Northern Star Resources Ltd has placed an order for a wide range of FLSmidth mineral processing technologies for their Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines (KCGM) Operations’...


FLSmidth to deliver dry stacking tailings solution to a lead-zinc mine in Rajasthan

FLSmidth will deliver an integrated dry stack tailings solution and a paste fill plant to a Hindustan Zinc Limited (HZL) lead-zinc mine in Rajpura Dariba, Rajasthan. The solution will ensure...

Issue 07-08/2012

FLSmidth to deliver flash drying system

FLSmidth has received an order worth approximately US$ 90 million from the Moroccan company, OCP Office Chérifien des Phosphates, to supply equipment and technology for a phosphate terminal in Jorf...


FLSmidth to deliver HPGRs to a copper concentrator in the Asia Pacific region

Following a long-standing relationship with the customer, FLSmidth has received an order to supply comminution technologies to upgrade the customer’s copper concentrator at a mine site in the Asia...

Issue 09/2023

FLSmidth to deliver key beneficiation equipment to a phosphate mine   

Following a long-standing relationship with Ma’aden, FLSmidth has been chosen to supply the key technologies and services for Ma’aden’s phosphate 3 phase 1 mine site in the Northern Province of Saudi...

Issue 12/2011

FLSmidth to deliver mills to Latin America

FLSmidth has been awarded a contract worth approximately 70 million US$ for equipment supplies to a copper mine in Latin America. The contract includes delivery of a 76 000 t/d grinding circuit...


FLSmidth to deliver mineral processing equipment

FLSmidth has been chosen to supply a range of mineral processing equipment for a gold mine in the Middle East. The equipment delivered by FLSmidth is some of the most efficient in the world. When...
