Highlights at HILLHEAD 2024

Issue 09/2019 How users achieve optimum results

Efficient use of cone crushers

A cone crusher is often used in the second to third crushing stage and operates according to the pressure crushing principle. It is suitable primarily for use in medium-hard to hard and abrasive...

Issue 03/2011

Eifel Road Show with the Sandvik Merlin CV116 vertical shaft impactor

Thanks to the close cooperation of the company Bierbrauer & Sohn with its long-standing business partner Sandvik Mining and Construction, in July 2010 the idea was born to offer interested companies...

Issue 07-08/2011

Eine Waschtrommel und sonst nichts

Single-flow washing drum for removing clay during the processing of raw materials

1 One single-flow drum Measuring 10 m in length and 3.20 m in diameter, this drum is the largest in the manufacturer’s standard range, although larger sizes can be supplied on request. The washing...

Issue 06/2017

EIRICH granulating technology excels in treatment of fly ash from municipal waste incineration

Residual material left over from municipal waste incineration is an integral part of today’s raw material industry. Bottom ash is a substitute raw material for civil engineering, gypsum is re-used...

Issue 05/2022

Eirich Group acquires stake in start-up

Eirich is setting a new milestone. A joint venture with the name “Prosio Vision” offers intelligent control technology for the bulk material industry and will serve as the AI center of the Eirich...

Issue 04/2016

EIRICH strengthens its second business unit grinding technology

A key process step for many industries when preparing raw materials is fine and very fine grinding. Up to now EIRICH has offered agitated media mills for this task. Now it has added three more models...


EIT RawMaterials and Tethys establish Centre to strengthen Europe-Central Asia raw materials supply chain

EIT RawMaterials announced a new partnership with Türkiye-based Tethys: Trans-Eurasian Gateway, a body focused on secure critical raw materials supplies through international collaboration, to...


EIT RawMaterials launched new investment call for technology start-ups & scale-ups, and mining, processing and recycling projects

EIT RawMaterials has launched a new funding call strategically focused on Europe’s raw materials innovation-to-production value chain. The call provides expanded funding and tailored support to...

Issue 04/2019 EL-A Verfahrenstechnik GmbH

EL-A Verfahrenstechnik GmbH

I‌n contrast to many other drying methods, contact belt dryers are flexible in their use and can process an enormous range of substances – from flowable suspensions and solid granulates up to powders....

Issue 10/2021 Integrated system

Elastic motor support for constant tension

T‌ecnidea Cidue has supported a company from the north of Italy in the planning of an elastic motor support for the tensioning of belt transmissions for hammer mills, which are used for the treatment...
