


Issue 05/2023 steinexpo 2023

The path to success leads through helping hands

Back in 1990, a unique trade fair with a unique selling proposition was born from an idea. Almost 33 years later, steinexpo has lost none of its appeal. While other trade fairs are still struggling...


Nordic Mining orders Metso Outotec’s Planet Positive comminution circuit for its Engebø rutile and garnet project

Nordic Mining ASA has awarded Metso Outotec an order for the delivery of an energy-efficient comminution technology package for its Engebø rutile and garnet greenfield project in Norway. The order,...


Hillhead 2024: website is now live

The brand-new Hillhead 2024 show website is now live at Freshly designed and updated for the 2024 event, the site contains stunning video footage and a review of last year’s show as...


Quarrying with a TF 1100 in a limestone cave

Monte Bianco srl based in Stallavena di Grezzana, province of Verona (Italy) has a TF 1100 drum cutter, sold by our local dealer Mac3. The Simex attachment is used in the extraction of calcium...

Issue 12/2022 steinexpo 2023

Outstanding response from exhibitors

By now, almost 200 exhibitors with about 290 represented brands have firmly booked their participation in steinexpo 2023, which will take place from 23 to 26 August 2023 at the very special exhibition...

Issue 09/2022 New ways of mineral processing

Combined evaluation of density and size effects of an air separation process using Mineral Liberation Analyses (MLA)

Summary: Dry air classification is a well-known technique used for decades in cement industry to separate material in the size range of 0.01 – 1.0 mm. Additionally, in corresponding dry grinding...


Hillhead 2022: Back with a Bang

Celebrating its 40th anniversary this year, Hillhead 2022 welcomed almost 18 500 visitors and 604 exhibitors across the three show days With an impressive total of just under 18 500 unique visitors in...


Simplified grinding, mixing, alloying, homogenising in everyday laboratory work

Planetary Ball Mills are first choice for fast, loss-free fine grinding in the areas of Geology, Mineralogy, Ceramics, Chemistry, Biology, Pharmaceuticals, Metallurgy and Material Technology. The...

Issue 06/2022 bauma 2022

Autonomous construction machines as a development goal

There may be many hurdles to overcome – the development of autonomous construction machines is currently among the main goals of manufacturers and research institutes alike. Accordingly, many aspects...

Issue 06/2022 steinexpo 2023

Long-awaited reunion on new old paths

The déjà vu moment was undeniable. Actually, everything was already in the bag, but due to the pandemic situation, the last steinexpo had to be cancelled in the end. As a prelude to steinexpo 2023,...
