Freiberg conference “Processing and Recycling 2024”

The conference “Processing and Recycling 2024” will again take place in 2024 as an attendance event on 7 and 8 November 2024 in the lecture hall at Chemnitzer Str. 40 in 09599 Freiberg.

The conference "Processing and Recycling 2024" will again take place in the lecture hall of the former Research Institute for Processing at the current location of the Helmholtz Institute for Resource Technology Freiberg

© Ulrike Mehl

The conference "Processing and Recycling 2024" will again take place in the lecture hall of the former Research Institute for Processing at the current location of the Helmholtz Institute for Resource Technology Freiberg
© Ulrike Mehl
As in previous years, in addition to interesting lectures, numerous experts from business and science are expected to take part in constructive technical discussions and an exchange of experiences. The conference is organised by UVR-FIA GmbH and the Gesellschaft für Verfahrenstechnik UVR-FIA e.V. Freiberg in cooperation with the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology at the HZDR (HIF) and the TU Bergakademie Freiberg.


Main focus of the 2023 conference are Mineral Raw Materials- Recyclables from Waste

Machines, instruments und sensors

Processing of primary raw materials

Processing of secondary raw materials/recycling


The organisers invite all interested to participate with scientific or technical contributions in the form of:

Presentations: duration 20 minutes; 5 minutes discussion time

Posters: 3 minutes ppt-presentation within the conference programme as well as presentation as a poster.


A template for submitting an abstract with further information can be found on our newly designed website Proposals for scientific or technical contributions can still be submitted until 31 July 2024. A committee consisting of representatives of the 4 organisers will select the contributions for the conference programme. You will be informed by the end of August 2023 whether your contribution has been included in the conference programme. Applicants will be notified with an acceptance/rejection at the end of August 2024. The conference programme will be finalised and sent out at the end of September 2024 and online registration will be activated.