EAG Einfach Aufbereiten GmbH
1 SBR 3 recycling screen in versatile use by a container service company
Often the SBR 3 and SBR 4 are used to spare large, high-tech, very capital-intensive crushing and screening plants. “Everything that comes into the yard first goes through the SBR 4”, is a frequently quoted customer verdict. In particular, the smaller SBR 3 recycling screen is often used by recycling newcomers. Much easier to transport, it is used on the construction site for excavation processing. This enables on-site reinstallation and quickly eliminates hundreds of lorry transports. The enormous acceleration values of the circular vibrator and the feeding of wheel loaders with 0.75 to 1.5 m³ enable hourly outputs of 60 to 100 t, even with moist excavated material.
2 SBR 4 recycling
screen – pre-screen for construction waste
Common to both screening plants is the small space requirement and the wide range of applications. The screen decks can be replaced in 30 or 60 minutes, and due to the bar sizer and the solid construction, the EAG screening plants are extremely robust. At steinexpo, EAG will present both models and show all processing professionals and newcomers the application possibilities for their requirements.
Booth C63