Production site Germany

Demand boosts mining and processing technology

The mining and processing technology sector is well positioned within the mechanical and plant engineering industry in Germany, not least due to its low dependence on the German economy and high export ratio. The issue of securing raw materials has been recognised by politicians, and the continuing demand for metallic raw materials due to the energy transition is keeping raw material prices high and with them the demand for mining and processing technology. Nevertheless, the industry is sceptical about the coming six months: according to an internal VDMA survey, 40 % of the member companies surveyed expect the situation to deteriorate. Trade barriers are expected from the USA, the most important market for mechanical and plant engineering.

  Dr. Marcus Wirtz

Dr. Marcus Wirtz

In 2023, manufacturers of technology for the extraction of raw materials in Germany achieved a total turnover of 3.08 billion €. From January to July 2024, turnover fell by 11.7 % compared to the same period in the previous year. In the first three quarters of 2024, order intake also fell by 6 % compared to January to September 2023. VDMA Mining & Minerals estimates that the industry will end the current year with a turnover of 2.72 billion € from German production.


According to feedback from the membership, poor location conditions encourage medium-sized and larger companies in particular to fulfil certain orders at foreign locations. “We can only keep urging politicians to improve the conditions,” emphasized Dr. Marcus Wirtz, newly elected Chairman of the Executive Board of the trade association, at the VDMA Mining & Minerals Industry Meeting in Essen on 21 November 2024. “We are a highly innovative industry with attractive jobs and prospects that we want to preserve and not lose.”


Lithium mining and lithium processing are gaining
in importance

In view of the energy transition, the demand for lithium is growing steadily. The VDMA is therefore making contact with important raw material suppliers, for example in Chile and Argentina, with delegation and business initiation trips and is promoting the technology from Germany with presentations at renowned specialist conferences. On 25 November 2024, a 20-strong delegation from the trade association traveled to Serbia for three days, where talks with various departments of Rio Tinto and a tour of the world’s largest known lithium deposit in the Jadar Valley were on the agenda.

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