Bulk solids
Ulrike Mehl
Dear readers,
We have three events to announce in the first issue of the new year, see Follow Ups from pp. 14 to 19. While the 19th Conference on Belt Conveyors and their Elements focuses on the design of conveyor systems, SOLIDS Dortmund and POWTECH offer an insight into current trends and developments in bulk materials handling and processing. However, all three events have one thing in common: the endeavour to shape a more sustainable future against the background of the energy crisis and climate change as the two major challenges of our time.
Energy efficiency plays a major role in all high-temperature processes, such as calcination or drying. Here, for example, the dynamic process in contact dryers enables more efficient treatment of filter cakes, sludges or bulk materials. Energy resources are conserved and production costs are reduced while efficiency is increased, as illustrated by the example of the BHS horizontal dryer, see technical article from p. 60.
The energy turnaround means the phase-out of coal-fired power generation and thus also the elimination of gypsum from flue gas desulphurisation plants (FGD gypsum) – a major challenge in view of the fact that gypsum is an important raw material in the construction industry, among other things. Currently, there are many research activities to find innovative solutions to increase the supply of recycled gypsum (RC gypsum) as well as gypsum from alternative raw material sources. To find out what role the extraction of gypsum products from potash mining can play in the future, see the technical article from. S. 52.
If you too are researching innovative solutions for a more sustainable future or have already put them on the path to industrial use and would like to report on them, please feel free to contact us.
Good luck and success with all your plans and projects also in the New Year 2023