matec waste-water treatment from Christophel now available as a mobile system for construction sites

Mobile and semi-mobile washing systems assure quality and increase value creation. The container-mobile waste water treatment plants from matec are solutions that can be used cost-efficiently for projects over a limited time or in areas without access to ground water (Fig. 1).

“Connection” rather than “installation” is the motto with which mobile waste water treatment plants are commissioned nowadays. The containers are delivered with transport dimensions of around 2450 x 2600 x 16 000 mm (w/h/l). Test pressings ensure the necessary certainty for the dimensioning of the components. The flocculant station constructed of stainless steel continuously checks the amount of sludge and the additive amount of the matured suspension. Overflocculation is practically ruled out. The positive effect of the structural characteristics of the steep clarifying tower soon becomes visible. Without any moving parts, the sludge becomes densified and uses the static pressure of the water column. The stainless-steel construction is smooth and ensures operation without any friction. If the clarifying tower is well filled, the valve opens and the volume to be processed by the press is discharged with 55-60 % dry substance content. In free-fall it goes into the homogenization tank (Fig. 2).


Operators of mobile systems appreciate the advantages of the tank. Here different sludge qualities are mixed and agitated; a basic condition for uniform pressing times and uniform residual moisture content. matec chamber filter presses work with high-pressure technology - HPT. Pressures up to 21 bar reduce the pressing times and energy consumption while ensuring low moisture content in the filter cake at the same time. Only in this way can sludges < 0.063 mm, sometimes even < 0.045 mm, be pressed cost efficiently.


So that the short pressing time is not squandered by slow opening, closing and cleaning times is ensured by the TT2 fast system. 10 filter plates are opened in one work step and can be optionally cleaned. To avoid load peaks on the belt conveyor, the filter cake falls onto the screw positioned below the chamber filter press (Fig. 3). From here it is transferred to the stockpiling belt. The stockpiling belts have to be generously sized. matec chamber presses are operated in sizes from 200 x 200 mm x 3 plates to 2000 x 2000 mm x 200 plates for throughput rates up to 46 t per cycle. With the selection of the necessary container, any capacity can be flexibly reached. Local steel and concrete construction is no longer necessary. For this reason, container systems are not necessarily more expensive than the conventional concept.


For contamination, matec offers possibilities to add liquids with concentrations of chemicals. With these, the operator decides whether contaminants in the filter cake should settle or concentrate in the clarifying water. For removal of the contaminants from the clarifying water, matec offers other optional plant concepts.


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