Granulation of mineral fertilisers


Granulation of mineral fertilisers

Summary: HAVER ENGINEERING GmbH (HEM) is an independent engineering consultancy, and is also part of the international HAVER & BOECKER group. HEM is, in addition, an Associated Institute of TU Bergakademie Freiberg. The company’s core capabilities are in the development of customised solutions and machinery for agglomeration and cleaning. Feasibility studies are an important part of the company’s portfolio, as well as plant and system audits and staff training activities. This article examines an example in order to discuss new approaches to the granulation of mineral fertilisers.

The “Law of the Minimum” was formulated by the agronomist Carl Sprengel and the chemist Justus von Liebig as long ago as the mid-19th century. The discovery that the yield of a plant is determined by that nutrient of which the smallest amount is available is an important basis for the use of fertilisers. The term “use of fertilisers” signifies here the addition of substances to the soil and/or to the crop plant, with the aim of promoting plant growth and crop quality, which can be equated with increasing yield.

Since nutrients are removed “from the farmstead” with the harvested crop, they must...

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