W Resources expands production with Metso’s technology

W Resources has selected Metso to build a high-capacity crushing plant for their La Parrilla Project in the south of Spain. With the plant, W Resources aims to increase their capacity while reducing the quantity of tungsten fines produced. “The new Metso crushing circuit is a critical component of the La Parrilla site and part of the increase to 2 million t/a of run-of-mine. This will enable production of 2500-2700 t/a of tungsten concentrate,” says W Resources Plc.

“With the new crushing circuit design, W Resources will be able to minimize their production of tungsten fines, which are harder to recover than more coarse material,” says Miguel Santos at Metso Portugal Lda. Shutdowns are one of the biggest operation-related causes for lost revenue in the mining industry. To minimize all unplanned downtime during erection, Metso’s team of engineers will work closely with the customer on the final layout to ensure the best availability during the whole operation. The new plant will be delivered during Q2 2018. The order comprises a C130 jaw crusher, a VF500 vibrating feeder, an MB352 rock breaker, three HP300 cone crushers and an MF2473 screen. The full engineering proposal still needs to be submitted to W Resources Plc. The value of the order is 1.2 million € and it has been booked in Metso’s Q3 2017 orders.



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