Technical conference Recycling R’16 in Weimar

Technical specialists, members of the society “Aufbereitung von Baustoffen und Wiederverwertung e.V.” (Processing of Building Materials and Recovery) as well as representatives of associations and companies will meet in Weimar from 19 to 20 September 2016 on the occasion of the specialist conference Recycling R’16. During the two-day event lectures will be given covering the topics ofrecycling of building rubble, urban mining, sustainable concretes, recycling of ashes as well as processing of gypsum boards and gypsum recycling. The venue will be the Weimar Bauhaus University, lecture hall 6 in Coudraystraße 9a.

The first day of the conference will include an evening event with a supporting musical program in the Weimar DORINT hotel, during which it will certainly be possible to discuss one or other topic of the day further and to establish new contacts.

Another highlight of the conference will be the presentation of the “Award for the upcoming generation for building rubble recycling” by the organizer AWB e.V. (//" target="_blank" > For this award, the search was on for the best papers by students in the field of building rubble recycling. The papers submitted should include ideas for the processing of building materials, for the utilization of residual materials and for the improvement of building-specific properties due to the use of recycling materials. The awarding commission was pleased with the good response. In the afternoon of September 19, awards will be presented for three dissertations or master theses.

Further information as well as documents for registration can be found at $(LEhttp://.


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