State of the art
Dear Readers
It is the aim of any business activity to stand the test in the market. This is also true of the mineral raw material processing sector. Producers and users are anxious to think and act in a future-oriented way. In the end this also means to invest. The article “Condition monitoring increases availability of vertical mills” (from p. 56) describes the advantages offered by using the latest technology taking as an example a vertical mill, automated with Siemens drive technology.
The efficiency of processing methods for the recovery of unmixed fractions from masonry is the topic of another article (from p. 62). Conventional processing methods come up against boundaries so that in this field also innovations are required, due to the increasing demand for the implementation of closed material cycles.
In the category Follow-Ups (from p. 22) you will find announcements of forthcoming conferences and fairs. In our category Focus Industry we report on the use of innovative technologies (from p. 34).
Wishing you enjoyable reading and stimulating new ideas, be sure to stay up-to-date with us!
Ulrike Mehl