Look ahead

Dear Readers,


The year 2020 was an unusual year in many respects – the corona pandemic has confronted the economy, politics and society with unprecedented challenges in both the public and personal sphere, leaving its mark on business and everyday life. The medium to long-term effects in the economic sector are not yet predictable. On the short-term level, in my opinion, the response has been spontaneous, flexible and sometimes very creative – financial resources have been made available, working in the home office and thus reducing social contacts has become a necessary matter of course, innovative digital formats replace personal attendance at conferences and trade fairs, and much more. Of course, you can argue about all this – how sensible or efficient these measures and changes taken are.


BUT: „Nothing is more constant than change.“ This quotation is attributed to the Greek philosopher Heraclitus (ca. 520 – 460 B.C.), among others, who dealt with the process of constant becoming and change (panta rhei – everything flows). It sums up in a nutshell what characterises our society today more than ever before. And it is up to us whether we use the development potential it contains. Crises such as the one we have experienced this past year cannot be avoided. They call for an active debate and thus offer opportunities for new ideas and solutions. This is why times of crisis are also an invaluable motor for further development in the best and most positive sense.


Not least, the diverse contributions in this issue of AT MINERAL PROCESSING are, as usual, characterised by the desire and the power of constant development towards the positive. So keep an optimistic view of the future and look forward with us to new interesting reports on innovations and trend-setting solutions in the coming year 2021. Until then, the AT MINERAL PROCESSING team wishes you all the best for a restful Christmas season, a good start in the New Year and above all: Stay healthy!


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