Dynamic weighing

Innovative weighing solution for conveyor belts

W‌ith the WK60 belt scale, PFREUNDT presents a pioneering weighing system for the dynamic weighing of continuous material flows, which convinces with precise measurement results, digital weighing data acquisition and intuitive operation.

The WK60 belt scale is suitable for dynamic weighing of continuous material flows
© Pfreundt

The WK60 belt scale is suitable for dynamic weighing of continuous material flows
© Pfreundt
The WK60 belt scale can be flexibly adapted to individual operating procedures and customer requirements. Thus, the scale can be installed in stationary conveyor belt systems as well as in mobile screening and crushing plants. Thanks to its special design with a very low installation height, it can also be easily retrofitted into existing conveyor belts from a wide range of manufacturers. In addition, up to four conveyor belts operating within one plant can be mapped via weighing electronics. If the inclination of the belts used is adjustable, an inclination measuring system is also installed for correction calculation. In this way, the WK60 belt scale records continuous material flows precisely and reliably at all times, regardless of the machine type, and provides information on, for example, the current production quantity/belt, the daily output/belt and the conveying strength of the entire plant over the course of the day.

The PFREUNDT belt scale records weighing and production data directly in the work process. On the one hand, this enables fast and precise loading of the conveyor belts, which accelerates logistical processes and optimally utilizes production capacities. On the other hand, internal material movements can be traced – process transparency is increased. The analysis and evaluation of the data helps to optimize the operating processes, e.g. the avoidance of idle time – energy is saved, costs are reduced. In addition, overloading is prevented by precise loading of the conveyor belts. Since overloading leads to long-term damage to the system and increased maintenance costs, the use of the belt scale extends the service life of the components in the long term – repair and maintenance costs are saved.

PFREUNDT has developed a corresponding software solution for the administration, analysis and further processing of the recorded weighing data - the PFREUNDT Web Portal. The data recorded via the belt scale is transferred to the Web Portal via an encrypted data exchange and is available there almost in real time. Access to the browser-based platform is possible at any time and from anywhere – computer, tablet or smartphone. The recorded data can be individually evaluated or further processed. For further internal processing of the data, connection to company-specific software is flexible and simple.

PFREUNDT Webinar on the new WK60 belt scale

As the demonstration of the new, trend-setting weighing system at industry trade fairs is not possible at the present time for known reasons, the Südlohn-based company is presenting the product digitally. “In spite of everything, in order to get into personal contact with our customers, we have decided to present our WK60 belt scale in a webinar,” says Stephen Lüdiger, Director Sales at PFREUNDT. “In the webinar, we will present the functions of the belt scale and list how its use can concretely save time and costs. We will also briefly present the connection options of the scale to the PFREUNDT Web Portal as well as to internal software for further processing and then look forward to answering our customers’ questions in a direct exchange.”

The free webinar on the PFREUNDT WK60 belt scale will take place on Thursday, May 20, 2021 from 10:00 to 11:00 am. Registrations can be sent by email with the name, company name and email address to .



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