Goudsmit Magnetics

Goudsmit Magnetics

A‌t the upcoming Powtech in Nuremberg, Goudsmit Magnetics from Waalre/The Netherlands will present an automatically cleaning magnet separator “Easy-Clean”. It serves to remove metal particles (> 30 µm) from powders used, for example in the food, chemical ceramics and plastics industry. The Easy-Cleanflow magnet is characterized by the very high magnetic flux density of more than 12 000 Gauss at bars with direct contact to the product and by the deeply penetrating magnetic field, which enables high volumes of powders and granules to be effectively freed from iron. The magnet is dustproof up to an overpressure of 1.5 bar and comes with a simple controller. The user-friendly cleaning requires an air pressure of 6 bar and a trigger signal of 24 V DC. The captured iron particles end up in a collection tray.


The modified design consists of a single row of thick bars with a diameter of 50 mm instead of two thin bars with a diameter of 25 mm that were used previously. This results in higher separation yield, as shown by new measurement techniques, inter alia, in simulations of magnetic fields and tests. The thicker bars have a higher flux density as well as a deeper holding field and have prolonged contact with the magnetic particles. Another advantage is the reduced height of the magnet as a whole, which means less installation height is required. This is a benefit in particular with poorly flowing powders.


With its enormous magnetic holding power of 12 000 gauss at the bars, the Easy Cleanflow magnet is also perfectly suitable for the separation of small, low-magnetic stainless steel particles. Tests and measurements have also shown that magnetic holding power alone is not sufficient to separate stainless steel particles. It is also of paramount importance that these particles, when flowing past the bars, get into contact with them. Optionally mountable deflectors can effectively guide the product flows that contain low-magnetic (stainless steel) particles along the bars, thus the product is always in contact with the bars.

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