Optimized management of construction machines and equipment
The construction company Lukas Glaeser, which is also involved in ballast and asphalt production and the recycling of construction waste, is using the Trimble fleet management solution to efficiently manage its machines and equipment. The Trimble Construction Manager (TCM) is a powerful integration of GPS technology, software, wireless data communication and Internet connectivity. Trimble Construction Manager software provides an intuitive interface that connects the machines on site to the decision-makers in the office. Trimble technology makes it easy to evaluate construction operations and take action in real-time. The software was installed in fleet management, dispatching, quarry operation and workshop, and 85 machines were equipped with the appropriate hardware. CrossCheck Global Locators were fitted in big excavators, dozers, grader, pavers, quarry machines and dumpers. Additional sensors were integrated in dumpers and excavators to record other activities like dump events, working and idle time. With the introduction of TCM, the entire documentation and generation of reports for the fleet, including the dispatch office and workshop, could be streamlined. The quarry manager uses Trimble for the planning of the heavy equipment (Fig.) and the automatic recording of production data. The tonnages handled are recorded separately by material type and off-loading point. For this function, the data from the sensors of the tippers is integrated into the machine data, so that precise cycle information is supplied.
Trimble, Sunnyvale, CA (USA),
Tel.: +1 408 481-8000,