Larger capacity

A mid-size EleconTM Bucket Conveyor and Elevator System from Gough Econ, Inc. of Charlotte, North Carolina USA. has been introduced with a larger capacity bucket design for higher throughput and applications beyond typical dry bulk material handling (Fig.). With an increased bucket capacity of 8113 cm3, the new Gough EleconTM mid-range bucket elevator offers more than twice the capacity of the original Elecon™ system.  Beside the Gough EleconTM in-line bucket elevators, Gough Econ markets other products including the Econ-O-LiftTM and SwinglinkTM in line bucket elevators, vibratory screeners and conveyors, belt conveyors, hoppers, tote dumpers, vibratory feeders, bulk bag handling equipment and storage conveyors.


Gough Econ, Inc., Charlotte/North Carolina (USA),

Tel.: +704 399-4501,


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