Putzmeister Solid Pumps GmbH
With the HSP 25150 SP, Putzmeister Solid Pumps GmbH (PSP), a member of the Putzmeister Group, presents a particularly high-pressure resistant, upgradeable high-density solids pump for transporting building materials underground. The principal areas of application for this pump system will be gold, diamond and zinc/lead mines which need to stabilise their pitheads, backfill demineralised chambers economically or pump fine-grained excavated material out of the processing plant. The HSP 25150 SP is a large-volume pump with two individually-controlled pistons. PSP specifically designed the pump to convey mining tailings and to pump fly ash over great distances. In order to achieve as constant a delivery as possible without pressure peaks, Putzmeister can, on request, equip these mining pumps with PCF control (PCF: Pressure Constant Flow).
Hall B6, Stand 100/400, www.putzmeister-solid-pumps.de