Doppstadt Group

AT: Give us a catchword that in your opinion best characterizes the SOLIDS 2015

Jörg Amend: Customised solutions

AT: What are the novelties or products, respectively, you will present at the SOLIDS 2015?

Jörg Amend: We will inform about our belt drums and projects that have proved a success at home and abroad. Fields of application are belt conveyors in belt systems and quarry equipment for the extraction, storage and further processing of parent substances. Our core competences for conveying equipment to solve problems of transportation are also covered by overburden stackers, extraction equipment as well as main and bench belts, for example.

AT: What is the special feature of SOLIDS 2015 in your opinion?

Jörg Amend: We will meet there an audience looking for solutions appropriate for their requirements. It is just this target group that we want to convince and that we can convince with our products, our experience and engineering know-how in the manufacture of customised belt drums.

AT: How do you assess the further development of your business field?

Jörg Amend: One of the most important business fields of the Doppstadt Group is the manufacture of customised belt drums. We see our greatest chances in the international market. At present we support the Thai company Hongsa Power with our special competence. The largest drum we have manufactured for Hongsa so far has a total weight of 23.5 t.

Hall 6 - Stand R 22


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