Training session dealing with bulk material technology and processing

„Bulk Material Technology and Processing“ – That was
the headline of the seminar which took place from 26 to
28 January 2010 in Gericke’s new “Bulk MaterialTest Center” in Regensdorf/Switzerland. The seminar was held in two languages and 120 customers participated. Taking into consideration that processes in connection with the processing of bulk materials play a fundamental and key role in the chemical, food and building materials industries, the specialist for bulk material technology provided comprehensive information concerning reliable and cost-effective solutions for complete systems and details in connection with bulk material processes. The two subjects dealt with were feeding and mixing processes focussing on configuration of processes for micro feeding, precision and homogeneity as well as pneumatic conveying with the presentation of physical basics, output ranges, wear on product. The explanations provided by the engineers were followed by practical demonstrations in the new Test Center (Fig.), where the individual bulk material components such as conveying systems, feeders and mixers are integrated in a system as a whole. This gives the opportunity to take a good look at the way the individual units work – in detail on their own as well as in coaction with other components integrated in the bulk material systems.


Gericke AG, Regensdorf (CH), Tel.: +41 44-871-3636,


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