Successful model of building materials recycling jeopardized

12th Building Materials Recycling Conference, Filderstadt-Bernhausen/Germany (14.10.2009)

Non-metallic minerals – “recycling management at a crossroads?” was the headline topic at the biggest annual meeting of the non-metallic minerals industry in Southwest Germany. The Industrieverband Steine und Erden Baden-Württemberg e.V. (ISTE – Association of the Non-Metallic Minerals Industry of Baden-Württemberg) together with the Bundesvereinigung Recycling-Baustoffe e.V. (BRB – Federal Association of Recycled Building Materials) and the Fédération Internationale du Recyclage (FIR) had arranged the event. In this year too, the just under 300 participants took the opportunity to obtain and...

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