Change in the management of UVR-FIA GmbH

Since 1 January 2025, Dipl.-Ing. Steffen Schmidt leads UVR-FIA GmbH into the future as the new Managing Director. His predecessors, Dr.-Ing. Andre Kamptner and Dr.-Ing. Henning Morgenroth, resigned...

FOCUS INDUSTRY Best practice

Controlling belt conveyor dust at the source

The conveyor technology experts at Martin Engineering are responding to the U.S. Mining Safety and Health Administration’s (MSHA) new dust emissions final rule by offering simple, make-sense solutions...

FOCUS INDUSTRY Modernisation

Mirfo SRL installs aggregate plant in Romania

Quarry Manufacturing & Supplies’ (QMS) long standing Romanian partner Mirfo SRL has recently completed the installation of a 1000 t/h aggregate plant in Arad County/Romania. An array of crushing,...

FOCUS INDUSTRY Research project

New iron from old mining sludge

It sounds like utopia: mining sludge is transformed into valuable metals and new building materials. Over the past three years, researchers at TU Bergakademie Freiberg have successfully trialled this...

FOLLOW-UPS Focus on securing raw materials

The Saxon Raw Materials Day 2024

The annual Saxon Raw Materials Day 2024 was once again very well received, as demonstrated by the participation of over 170 guests from companies, scientific institutions, associations and authorities...


Make the old new again

As the costs of doing business keep rising, the thought of purchasing new vibrating screen equipment may seem out of the question this year. However, aggregate and mining producers have the option to...
